Thursday, October 18, 2012

TPSG Endorses Richard Carmona

I don't know how you cannot be impressed with Richard Carmona's resume, he's a former U.S. Surgeon General (appointed by George W Bush no less), he's a physician, a former police officer, a former special forces medic, he's a Viet Nam vet, a former SWAT team leader, a Bronze Star winner and a Purple Heart recipient.  What can't this guy do?  His wide and varied background and vast knowledge on so many issues could only benefit the U.S. Senate.  He's a registered Independent, but he's running as a Democrat, so there should be lots of cross over appeal for him.  He may even be too moderate for my tastes to tell you the truth, still he's better than the alternative.

The alternative being long time Arizona U.S. House Representative Jeff Flake Flake is best known for his fight against pork barrel spending, he's ardently opposed to any and all sorts of public spending (how that actually benefited Arizona I'm not quite sure).  He rarely (i.e. never) crosses party lines, he'd pretty much be a rubber stamp for Mitch McConnell.  In my opinion, he was actually part of the problem with the do-nothing congress of these past four years, why anybody would want to reward him for that is beyond me.  Do we really need more of that?  Isn't it time Congress starts to govern again? Wouldn't it be better to bring in someone who could offer at least offer a chance at some bi-partisanship

We need to be thinking big picture here too.  The Republican Party's recently passed one of the most conservative platforms in American political history.  Do you really want to take the chance that they gain a majority in the House and Senate and start pushing that conservative agenda?  That's a truly frightening thought to me.

I strongly endorse Richard Carmona for Arizona's open U.S. Senate seat

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