Sunday, September 9, 2012

2012 DNC

Did you catch any of the 2012 Democratic National Convention?  I must say, I was very impressed with the quality of the speakers at the DNC, from Deval Patrick, to Elizabeth Warren, to Sandra Fluke, to Julian Castro, to Michelle Obama, to Joe Biden, to Bill Clinton, to Barack Obama, they all (and many others) did a wonderful job of painting the stark contrasts between the 2 parties (and the 2 candidates).  If anyone was still undecided and took the time watch both the RNC and the DNC, I just don't see how they could come out of it and still vote for Mitt Romney.  The Democrats just seemed to have a so much more positive and inclusive message, they seemed much more forward looking, they made you feel like they actually care more about and are fighting for middle, whereas the Republicans were all doom and gloom and stuck in the past. 

The thing I liked most about it was that the democrats finally, as Deval Patrick stated, grew a backbone, they finally started fighting back and standing up for what they believe in after 3 1/2 very long years of slander and distortion of their record and their policies from the very loud and very far right wing.  Well done Dems!

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