Monday, May 20, 2013

Top 10 TV Shows of 2012-2013 Season

I admit it, I'm a TV addict, here are my picks for the Top 10 TV Shows of the 2012-2013 TV season.
  1. Breaking Bad (AMC)
  2. The Walking Dead (AMC)
  3. Parks & Recreation (NBC)
  4. Modern Family (ABC) 
  5. The Americans (FX)
  6. Vikings (History)
  7. The League (FX) 
  8. Grimm (NBC) 
  9. How I Met Your Mother (CBS)
  10. The Office (NBC) 
I included "Breaking Bad" because they ran the first half of their 5th (and final) season in the summer of 2012 and will run the final half of their last season in the summer of 2013, so they kind of bracketed the 2012-2013 TV season.  I love this show, I rank it with "The Sopranos" as the 2 best television shows of all time.  I can't wait to see what becomes of Walter White.

"The Walking Dead" is not far behind "Breaking Bad", it's a fantastic show.  Don't let the zombie aspect of the show scare you away, it's about much more than zombies.  AMC is certainly doing something right.

"Parks and Recreation" IMO has emerged as the top comedy show on TV, their cast is outstanding, there's not a weak link in the bunch.  "Modern Family" still ranks right up there too, how you can not laugh at the antics of Phil Dunphy is beyond me.

"The Americans" on FX surprised me, I wasn't a big fan at first, as there was really nobody in it that was all that likeable, but it grew on me, the cast is strong, the story is fast paced and suspenseful, there's plenty of action and top it off, it's got Annet Mahendru to ogle. 

I admit, I was skeptical when I heard that the History Channel was getting into scripted dramas, but I was pleasantly surprised with "Vikings".   It's a fast paced, barbaric and highly enjoyable look at the early years of Norse legend Ragnar Lodbrok. 

"The League" has surpassed "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" as my favorite FX comedy.  It's rude, it's crude and it's funny as hell.  A little more Sofia and Rafi and this one would move into my top 5. 

"Grimm" probably won't win many Emmy's but I find myself looking forward to it every week. It's a very unique twist to the traditional cop drama show.

"How I Met Your Mother" is still going strong with plenty of laughs, although I think single Barney Stinson is much funnier than relationship Barney Stinson.  It appears that next year will be the year that they finally explore Ted's meeting of his children's mother, that should be interesting (although I still wouldn't rule out it turning out to be Robin Scherbatsky).

I threw "The Office" in at the number ten slot, that's more out of respect for the series than out of quality of the show as it has dropped in quality quite a bit over the past 2 season.  Still, it had some good laughs and I really enjoyed how they ended the series, it was done quite well. 

I didn't include any series from any of the pay channels on my list, I'm too cheap to pay for those, although I do watch them once they hit DVD.  Had I included them I would imagine that "Game of Thrones" and "Homeland" would have no doubt made the list.  The same could be said of "House of Cards" on Netflix, what an absolutely tremendous show, it just may change TV as we now know it too. 

I've heard good things about "Mad Men", "Sons of Anarchy", "Justified" and "American Horror Story" but I just don't have time to watch all these shows so I can't add them. 

Of the new shows, I also enjoyed "Elementary" and "Nashville", they could very well crack next years list.

Special mention to my guilty pleasure "SMASH" too, oddly enough I will miss it.  

Here were my picks for the 2011-2012 TV season BTW.  

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