Monday, January 23, 2017

Pick Up Lines

Being perpetually single, I have used my share of pick up lines over the years, mostly unsuccessfully, so I usually go with a simple "Hi".  Needless to say that doesn't always work.  Playboy has some good ones though, I may need to try some of these:
  1. 'I almost wore that tonight,’ referring to her blouse or dress. It’s simple, it’s funny and it’s not too aggressive.“
  2. "Coffee?”
  3. “‘You look so familiar.’ Then I list the places I may know her from while including details about myself. For example, 'Did you go to the University of Michigan? I was pre-med, but I think we did a play together.’”
  4. “One time I was at a restaurant and I really liked my waitress. I asked if I could have anything on the menu. When she said yes, I asked her to stand on the menu. I ended up getting her number and we went on a date.”
  5. “I met my girlfriend on OkCupid. My first message was, 'Can you please return the records you borrowed?’”
  6. “You’re way out of my league, but I had say to hello before I left.”
  7. “I know a freak when I see one.”
  8. “Hi. I’m looking for a date to my sister’s wedding.”
  9. (at a bar) “Can I buy you a house?”
  10. “My name is Alex, and I don’t belong here.”
  11. “'That Stanley Kubrick is really a genius, isn’t he?’ (Don’t laugh. It worked!)”
  12. “’Damn, girl, you look like a strong, independent woman with agency and self respect. How YOU doin’?’ This is my own and it’s actually worked really well.”
  13. “I kept crossing paths with her. The second time we were introduced I just said 'Hey.’ But the third time I said, 'Are you following me?’ To which she responded, 'I don’t think so.’ Then I said, 'Oh, I guess I must be following you then.’ Recounting this, it just now occurs to me how stalkerish that line sounds!”
  14. “When I share glances with someone, I simply go up to them and say something like 'Hello. I’m Josh. I’ve enjoyed sharing glances with you. You seem very nice. Can I get your number and give you a call sometime?’ It never fails because it’s a gentleman’s approach.”

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