Thursday, February 11, 2016

2016 Presidential Field Update

Chris Christie & Carly Fiorina have ended their Presidential runs.  That leaves us with 9 candidates still in the running, 7 Republicans and 2 Democrats, although I'm not quite sure why I'm still counting Jim Gilmore.

Here's how the remaining candidates rank in my opinion (as far as their chances):

  1. Hillary Clinton
  2. Bernie Sanders

  1. Donald Trump
  2. Ted Cruz
  3. John Kasich
  4. Marco Rubio
  5. Jeb Bush
  6. Ben Carson
  7. Jim Gilmore

Chris Christie's chances of winning the Republican nomination for all intent and purposes ended with the Bridgegate Scandal, I'm really not quite sure why he ran after that to be honest with you.  Carly Fiorina may have been the most unqualified candidate of anyone running for President this year, that saying a lot too because it hasn't been the cream of the crop running this year.  Neither will be missed.

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