Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Night Before

The Night Before - starring Seth Rogan, Gordon Joseph Levitt & Anthony Mackie.  This movie is about 3 life long friends who have an annual tradition of celebrating Christmas Eve together, as they get older and their lives start to move in separate directions they realize that the tradition must come to an end and plan one last blowout Christmas Eve, the results are quite amusing.  This is a pretty funny movie, I laughed more than I thought that I would.  It was crude though, kind of a stoner Christmas Carole, so don't take the kids.  The story has a nice heartfelt moral to it too, to value those that are most important to you.  Rogan really steals the show, he's quite funny once again.  I loved all the cameos too, especially from Michael Shannon and James Franco.  Give it a watch if you're looking for a few laughs this Christmas season.

I will give it 3 out of 5 stars (*****).

TPSG Movie Rating System:

5 stars (*****) = Tremendous film, see it pronto! 
4 stars (*****) = Good movie, worthy of a trip to the movie theater. 
3 stars (*****) = Not bad, worthy of a Netflix watch, save yourself a trip to the theater though.
2 stars (*****) = The effort was there but it doesn't click, don't waste your time.
1 star  (*****) = Avoid at all costs, this one is a real stinker.  

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