Wednesday, April 1, 2015

When Right Is Wrong

Has there ever been a political party that has been wrong about so much yet still retained popular support?   Seriously, what policies have Republicans passed that have helped people?

  • Trickle Down Economics - this is an easy sell for Republicans, I mean c'mon who doesn't like the sounds of tax cuts?  Just don't mention the fact that for the most part the only ones benefiting from lower taxes are those at the very top, or the fact that money hasn't trickled down to the rest of us like was promised.
  • Government Regulation - less regulation is exactly what led to the economic collapses of the 1930's and early 2000's.  The idea that the free market would regulate itself proved to be quite the folly, it's certainly doesn't take greed and corruption into account.  
  • Unions - Republicans hate them because their big donors don't like the wage and benefit concessions they fight for and because they are big donors to Democrats.  Kill unions and you kill two bird with one stone.  Interestingly enough, the fall of unions has also coincided with a significant decrease in wages.  
  • Climate Change - Republicans are letting their hatred for Al Gore cloud their judgment, they are also kowtowing to their fossil fuel donors, how else can you explain siding with the 3% of climate scientists who deny global warming over the 97% who claim that the earth is warming and that humans are responsible.  Unfortunately, it's to our peril.  
  • Foreign Policy - Intervention is not always the answer to every problem.  Republicans lied us into the Iraq/Afghanistan quagmire and we are still paying the price for that mess.  Diplomacy should always come first.    
  • Obamacare - Republicans claimed that Obamacare would decimate the economy and cripple the job market.  They were wrong on both cases, Obamacare has been a resounding success to anyone with a with an impartial eye.  
  • Stimulus - Republicans still claim it was a failure despite plenty of evidence to the contrary.  At some point common sense and reason needs to trump ideology.   
  • Minimum Wage Increases - Republicans claimed that a higher minimum wage would be a job killer, but once again, all evidence points to the contrary.  Perhaps, there is something to the saying "A rising tide lifts all boats".  
  • Citizens United - Republicans claimed that Citizens United would be transparent and that it would protect freedom of speech.  Wrong again, unless you feel that corporations are people.  This ruling has done nothing but empower the oligarchs who are now free to buy power and influence under the cloak of secrecy.
  • Trade - while Democrats are also complicit in some of the horrible free trade pacts passed over the years, most of them are coming directly out of the Republican free trade playbook.  All they seem to have done is increase imports, export jobs and lower wages.  
Need I continue?   Stop voting Republican already.  

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