Saturday, August 13, 2011

Updated GOP Presidential Hopefuls

Rick Perry jumped into the fray today and announced his bid for the 2012 GOP Presidential race.  I think he will immediately jump to the top of the list of announced candidates.  He has high support amongst the Tea Party crowd, high support from the social conservative/evangelical crowd, he's a former Governor (which seems to be en vogue for Presidential candidates) and has a strong track record in Texas (at least as the GOP spins it).  Some moderates may feel he is a bit too far to the right for their tastes though.

Mitt Romney - Interesting week for him, still polling high, lots of funds raised and ready to spend.
Rick Perry - Governor of Texas, he immediately jumps to the top of the list
Tim Pawlenty - the Iowa Straw Poll will be a key day for him
Michelle Bachmann - tea party/far right favorite, not much chance in a general election though
Ron Paul - some tea party support, little GOP support, probably too libertarian for most in the GOP
Newt Gingrich - his 3 marriages will turn away the morals group, his rhetoric will turn away moderates
Herman Cain - gained some steam but Rick Perry may take away lots of his tea party support
Jon Huntsman - the most moderate of the GOP candidates, this year that's not a good thing
Rick Santorum - not gaining traction, Perry may swipe much of his social conservative support too
Buddy Roemer - I actually like him, he's not gaining much traction though
Gary Johnson - who? nobody knows him, no chance.
Thaddeus McCotter - who again? again, no chance. 

Rudy Giuliani - still polling high but he may not have the desire for another run
Sarah Palin - high negatives outside of the far right, grasp of issues still lacking
George Pataki - he's apparently still mulling it over

At this point, I'm thinking it may be a 2 man race between Romney and Perry.  I would expect some of the also rans to begin dropping out shortly once they see the writing on the wall.  I really wish that Buddy Roemer would gain some traction, I really like his platform

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