Monday, October 25, 2010

TPSG 2010 AZ Election Endorsements

I know that everybody has been waiting with baited breath for my 2010 Arizona election endorsements, so here goes:

UNITED STATES SENATOR:  Rodney Glassman over John McCain
It's not that I'm a huge Rodney Glassman fan, it's just that I've come to despise John McCain.  Believe it or not, I voted for John McCain the last time he was up for re-election and I almost never vote Republican.  I liked the maverick John McCain, he was someone who stood up for his beliefs, he was pragmatic, he was willing to take on his own party when it was called for (see his former stances on immigration and the Bush tax cuts for example).  John McCain is now nowhere near the same person, ever since he ran for President he has veered to the far right in order to win votes, he in essence has sold out and I cannot support a sell out.  He is now suggesting that we move right back to the far right ideological agenda that got us into the mess we are currently in, I cannot support that.  He will not get my vote. I don't see him losing though, my only hope is that given his age he will not be running for election again and will thus no longer need to kowtow to the far right and will move back to his maverick role (wishful thinking perhaps but it's my hope). 

U.S. REPRESENTATIVE in District 1:  Ann Kirkpatrick
U.S. REPRESENTATIVE in District 2:  John Thrasher
U.S. REPRESENTATIVE in District 3:  Jon Hulburd
U.S. REPRESENTATIVE in District 4:  Ed Pastor
U.S. REPRESENTATIVE in District 5:  Harry Mitchell
U.S. REPRESENTATIVE in District 6:  Jeff Flake
U.S. REPRESENTATIVE in District 7:  Raul Grijalva
U.S. REPRESENTATIVE in District 8:  Gabrielle Giffords
All democrats except for Jeff Flake. Obama deserves more than 22 months to clean up the mess that GWB left us in, to best do that he need support from the House of Representatives, that means voting for Democrats.  Harry Mitchell is running in my district, I really hope he can hold on, he's in a heavily republican leaning district and is facing a tough challenge from David Schweikert, but he has a long history of public service and seems to always have the best interest of his constituents at heart.  Despite the Schweikert propoganda he has not voted with Nancy Pelosi and company on everything, he's actually been pretty pragmatic in his voting record.  And to that, being that he was voted in as a democrat, shouldn't he be voting along party lines most of the time?   Didn't the GOP just purge a whole lot of moderate republicans who didn't toe the party line?   Why do they hold democrats to a different standard?   I also want no part of Ben Quayle in District 3, the only reason he is even a candidate is his family connections and family money, he's a joke.  Oh, and regarding Jeff Flake, he's one of the few republicans out there that I have any respect for, he seems highly principled, I also have no problem with his fight against pork and wasteful spending . 

GOVERNOR:  Terry Goddard
Did you see the Arizona Governor debate?   Enough said.  Ok, not enough, how about Jan Brewer's beheading claims? How about the fact that she has gone in to hiding since her last debate.  My God, Jan Brewer can barely string a sentence together, she wasn't voted in as Governor in the first place (she took over when Janet Napolitano left), she is way over her head.   Most importantly we need someone who can stand up to Russell Pearce and his far right agenda in the Arizona legislature, they have made us a national joke.  Terry Goddard is a long time elected official in the state of Arizona, I truly believe that he has experience and skill to guide us out of our current abyss. 

More picks on the next page.  AZCentral also has a nice page set up for the Arizona elections.

STATE SENATOR District 17:  David Schapira

STATE REPRESENTATIVE District 17:  Ed Ableser & Ben P Arredondo


ATTORNEY GENERAL:  Felecia Rotellini




Nothing but sour grapes by the far right when they lost the health care battle, grow up already and accept it.

This proposition would end affirmative action in Arizona.  I think it's time, let's not discriminate against anyone, white males included.  

Somebody thought that it would be a good idea to amend the constitution to make it a constitutional right to hunt, fish and harvest lawfully.  This doesn't change anything that's currently on the books, I see no need for it.

What it would do: Would allow state-land officials to lease state land or place restriction on the use of state land for the purposes of protecting military facilities.  Seems reasonable.

Would change the Secretary of State position to a Lieutenant Governor position, they would then run together with the Governor.  Seems like it would limit our choices, I don't see the need.

This would change the time frame to submit ballot propositions from 4 months to 6 months before an election, seems reasonable to me.

The secret ballot for union elections initiative.  Nothing but a big business ploy to prevent unionization.  What's so wrong with unionization anyways? 

This proposition would legalize medicinal marijuana, I don't see an issue with it, it's long overdue. 

Would allow the state to raid the land conservation fund to pay off any budget deficit.  How about we live within our means first.  

This proposition would allow the state to raid the early childhood health and development fund to help with the budget.  How about we just live within our means first?  

Linda Milhaven
Ned O'Hearn
Dennis Robbins

I'm not real happy with the incumbents so I'm not voting for any of them, it's time for some new blood & fresh ideas.  It's also time for them to get moving on South Scottsdale, they've been dragging their feet long enough.  I'm a little leery of the campaign contributions by Southwest Ambulance to Milhaven & Robbins but I'm willing to overlook it and give them a chance.

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