Thursday, November 19, 2015

2016 Presidential Field Update

Bobby Jindal has thrown in the towel on his 2016 Presidential ambitions.  That leaves us with 17 candidates still in the running, 14 Republicans and 3 Democrats.

Here's how the remaining rank in my opinion (as far as their chances):

  1. Hillary Clinton
  2. Bernie Sanders
  3. Martin O'Malley

  1. Donald Trump
  2. Ben Carson
  3. Marco Rubio
  4. Ted Cruz
  5. Jeb Bush
  6. Carly Fiorina 
  7. Rand Paul
  8. Chris Christie
  9. John Kasich
  10. Mike Huckabee
  11. Rick Santorum
  12. Lindsey Graham
  13. George Pataki
  14. Jim Gilmore

I'm not surprised that Jindal's candidacy never took off, he did a horrible job in Louisiana and was pretty much disliked by everyone there.  I think he calculated that his bid for the Presidency would be easier if he took a hard turn to the far right and he lost in that calculation.  Long story short, he sold out his state for his own political ambitions and that's a hard sell in a national election.  Good riddance Bobby Jindal.  

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