Saturday, October 12, 2013

Bernie Sanders on Today's GOP

He's a wise man:

"The Republican party is now an extreme right-wing party that is owned by their billionaire campaign contributors." 

"It is imperative that Rs stop holding the American people hostage and let us reopen the govt and pay our bills."   

"How many people will die if the Affordable Care Act is repealed?"  

"Median family income today is less than it was 24 years ago." 

"We live in a country where health care is a privilege for the wealthy.  In the U.S. today 48 million people are uninsured and millions more have inadequate health care coverage with high deductibles and copayments.  Today, the U.S. lags behind almost every advanced country in terms of life expectancy and infant mortality and we spend almost twice as much per person on health care as any other nation."   

"The Richest 1 Percent Hold 46 Percent Of The World's Wealth"  

"You do not balance the budget on the backs of the elderly and poor." 

"Tea Party-inspired groups have mobilized, aided by a financing network that continues to grow" 

"In the midst of a severe recession, it is wrong to keep 800,000 Americans out of work."

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