Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Top 10 Summer TV Shows 2013

I've been pleasantly surprised by the quality of television this summer, hopefully it's a good sign as we move towards the fall.  Here are my Top 10 Summer Television shows/series for the summer of 2013:
  1. Breaking Bad - AMC
  2. The Bridge - FX
  3. Under the Dome - CBS
  4. Orange is the New Black - Netflix
  5. Big Brother - CBS
  6. America's Got Talent - NBC
  7. Low Winter Sun - AMC
  8. Camp - NBC 
  9. Olbermann - ESPN
  10. The Daily Show - Comedy 
IMO, the final season premiere of "Breaking Bad" ("Tread Lightly") was one of the best shows on television in recent memory.  "The Bridge" is one of the better new shows I've seen in years, I hope they can keep it up.  I had low expectations for "Under the Dome" but I've been pleasantly surprised, given Stephen King and Stephen Spielberg's involvement in the show I should have known it would be good.  "Orange is the New Black" is another great scripted original drama from Netflix, I really hope they can keep this run going.  "Big Brother" and "America's Got Talent" have been summer reliables for awhile now, I can't get enough of them.  "Low Winter Sun" is still early in it's run but it's showing a lot of promise.  "Camp" is just enjoyable summertime fun.  "Olbermann", although it just started, shows a lot of promise, if you were a fan of Keith Olbermann's MSNBC show you'll probably like this show as it's very similar except that it comes from a non-political/sports perspective.  I really enjoyed John Oliver filling in for Jon Stewart on "The Daily Show" this summer, he did a great job. 

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