Monday, August 20, 2012

War on Women?

The GOP claims there isn't a "War on Women".   I don't think women are buying it, and rightfully so, they still favor Obama over Romney by a wide margin.  Todd Akins recent comments only highlight the GOP's problems.  Perhaps if they GOP wants to win back women voters they should reconsider their stance on a few issues, the Anti-Choice stance is bad enough, it's even worse when they tack on the "even in the case of rape and incest" language (hell, they don't even know what rape is), add in their push for Personhood Acts, their attacks on a woman's access to healthcare, their attacks on Planned Parenthood, their push for vaginal probes, their lack of support for the Lilly Ledbetter Act, it goes on and on.  Hell yes, there is a "War on Women" and it's the GOP waging it.  If you are a woman and you vote Republican, I'm sorry, but you are nuts.  

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