Saturday, January 16, 2016

Hillary Clinton Iraq Vote

I keep hearing Hillary Clinton critics hitting her over her vote for the Iraq War.  I'm not concerned about that vote though and here's why:
  • The Iraq War was a Bush/Cheney fiasco, they are the ones who brought it up to a vote, they are the one who fabricated the evidence to support it, they are the ones who should own it, not those who were lied into supporting it.  
  • Do you really think that there would have even been a war in Iraq in the first place had Al Gore not had the 2000 Presidential election stolen from him?  No Democrat would have pushed for it. 
  • The vote wasn't actually a vote to go to war in Iraq, it was a vote on the 'authorization for use of military force".  I know it's a fine line, but hear me out.  The idea of the vote wasn't to unilaterally and preemptively take us into a war in Iraq, it was to show bipartisan support that they could then take to the U.N. to gain broad international support.  That support would then be used as a tool towards more diplomacy.  It was Bush/Cheney who then ran with the resolution though and took us into war instead of slow walking a war of last resort that would have had more international support had it gotten to that point.   

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