Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Yet Another Mass Shooting

Yet another mass shooting, and how do we respond?  With resignation of course because nobody dares take on our all powerful gun lobby.  So we just sit back and wait for the next one.  How fucking sad is that?  I for one am getting tired of all the carnage.  Why has this become acceptable?  Why can't we stop believing that more guns on the street is the answer?   Let's toughen the gun laws, toughen the background checks, put limits on semi-automatic shotguns and magazine clips.  It may not stop the mass shootings but at least it should be able to lessen the carnage.  This is not ACCEPTABLE!  In the meantime, since none of that is going to happen, here are 10 ways to survive a mass shooting, learn them, live them, it's your only hope. 

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