- He may not accept the results of the election.
- He has threatened to jail his political opponents.
- He is a fascist.
- He's a fraudster and a crook.
- He's a narcissist.
- He is fast and loose with the truth.
- He's a misogynist.
- His grasp of the issues are weak at best.
- He's a xenophobe.
- His ties to Russia are concerning.
- He's a racist.
- His business ties are troubling.
- He failed to release his tax returns.
- He doesn't have a basic understanding of Obamacare.
- His healthcare plan would leave millions with no health insurance.
- There has been involved in 3500+ lawsuits.
- He is calling for more trickle down economics.
- His mob ties are troubling.
- Multiple women have accused him of rape and sexual assault.
- He has stiffed contractors and employees on a regular basis.
- He has disparaged the Hispanic/Latino people.
- He wants to bring back stop and frisk policing.
- His economic plan would explode the debt.
- He illegally did business with Cuba.
- He called climate change a hoax.
- He thinks women be punished for having an abortion.
- He lost almost one billion dollars in one year.
- He insulted his opponents looks.
- He's a tax fraud and cheat.
- He disparaged the handicap.
- His ties to the Alt-Right movement are troubling.
- He used Chinese steel on his buildings.
- He thinks he knows more than the generals.
- He would roll back food safety regulations.
- He lost all three debates
- The national media overwhelmingly backs his opponent.
- He insulted a Gold Star family.
- He is very thin skinned.
- He hired foreign born guest workers.
- He off-shored his business ventures to China & Mexico.
- He is not nearly the savy businessman he claims to be.
- He would roll back regulations on Wall Street.
- He was the king of the birther movement.
- He claimed that John McCain was not a war hero.
- His Vice Presidential selection is a right wing demagogue.
- He wants to ban Muslims from entering the country.
- He doesn't understand the gravity of nuclear weapons.
- He stated that he would be okay with war crimes.
- He is a conspiracy enthusiast who gets news from The National Enquirer.
- He incited violence at his rallies.
- He declared bankruptcy 6 times.
- He has been married 3 times.
- He bragged about not paying income taxes.
- He set up a foundation that appears to only benefit himself.
- He bully's his opposition.
- His Presidency would embolden a new wave of deplorables.
- He thinks American wages are too high.
- His policy positions change with the wind.
- He will clamp down on the media.
- He has already shown that he doesn't hire the best people.
- His plan to deport 11 million illegals is fool hearty.
- He thinks he can renegotiate the national debt.
- He would outsource his Supreme Court picks to the Heritage Foundation.
- He has an affection for dictators.
- His temperament is horrific.
Need I continue????
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