Sunday, July 31, 2016

Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Rude Pundit

If you are not reading The Rude Pundit blog you are really missing out.  I loved this post:

". . . What's shocking is that the fucking Russians are likely trying to get Trump elected. And that's where the second cosmic joke comes in, the kind where karma just takes a giant shit on all of us. We're still hearing endlessly about the Clinton email fake scandal, you know, with her home server that turns out to have been a fuck of a lot more secure than the State Department's or the DNC's. That was a bunch of political motivated malarkey that was an enormous waste of time and had as its only purpose to add to the air of Clinton as an untrustworthy figure (something I joined in on, to an extent, yes, mea fuckin' culpa). No classified information was leaked, and it's up for argument if any was even sent. And the rest was just an administrative issue, not a crime.

The joke part is that this Trump/Russian connection is a real email scandal. This is what it looks like. It looks like a dictatorial ruler of a country that is at odds with ours using hacked emails to get his hopeful stooge elected. The big investigation now should be if there was any coordination between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

Meanwhile, here, our stupid, stupid election continues, with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz thankfully being put out of her misery (someone's head had to roll for the anti-Bernie shit) and with Sanders getting booed for telling his supporters to vote for Clinton while screechy social media fucks and well-intentioned street protesters say that they will never, no-how, no way vote for Clinton because reasons.

To which one can only say: You know who will get hurt by a Trump presidency? Every fucking group you think you're defending with your purity. And don't fucking get upset when we say that not voting or voting for Stein or Johnson is as good as voting for Trump. It's as good as voting for Trump because Clinton is the only candidate who can beat him, and any vote not for her is a net gain for Trump, and that shit'll matter in states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, and elsewhere. And, yeah, fuck you if you think that voting for Clinton to stop Trump ain't enough of a reason. It is enough of a reason. It's always been, in every election, enough of a reason. Sorry, sunshine, that's the fuckery of democracy. 

Fuck you for not knowing your history and not wanting to do everything you can to stop someone like Trump from ascending to the White House and appointing Supreme Court justices, which will fuck us all for the rest of our lives. You know who agrees with us and disagrees with you? Bernie Sanders. Elizabeth Warren. Michael Moore. President Obama. And a fuck-ton of liberal writers (and a shitload of conservative writers, but fuck them where they stand anyways). 

Do you think we're all just lying to you? Do you think people across the left are liars or shills, including the dude you worshipped all this time? Or maybe, just maybe, we are sounding a warning bell, telling you that this shit is real. A Trump presidency is realer in its consequences than a Clinton one, however bad you think a Clinton presidency might be. Fuck, the Washington Post took the really unusual step to say, "Yeah, fuck this. Trump is a psychopath. Stop him." That's unheard of. 

Don't damn us to be Cassandras. Don't let us stand there in 2017 and forward and say, "Told you so."  Probably from our cells in the gulag."  

Full blog post here.   The Rude Pundit twitter page here

Friday, July 29, 2016

2016 DNC Speeches

Here are my 15 favorites from the week.  Together they make quite a powerful statement.

1-Hillary Clinton

2-Michelle Obama

3-Barack Obama

4-Bernie Sanders

5-Joe Biden

6-Bill Clinton

7-Corey Booker

8-Tim Kaine

9-Khizr Khan

10-John Allen

11-Reverend William Barber

12-Michael Bloomberg

13-Elizabeth Warren

14-Howard Dean

15-Sarah Silverman

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates

Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates - starring Zac Efron, Adam DeVine, Anna Kendrick & Aubry Plaza.   Efron & DeVine play hard partying brothers Dave & Mike Stangle, they have a habit of ruining every special occasion they attend, wich leads to an ultimatum on them to find nice girls to bring to their sisters Hawaiian wedding or to not show up at all.  That leads them to place an ad in Craig's List for dates.  Thanks to social media their quest for dates soon goes viral.  That's were Kendrick & Plaza make their appearance, they are far from nice girls but they desperately want a free trip to Hawaii so they decide to play nice girls.  Dave and Mike are immediately smitten and decide to take the girls with them to Hawaii and the wedding.  It doesn't take long for the guys to figure the girls are not quite what they claimed to be.  It's pretty funny, a bit raunchy, definitely not a movie for kids. Efron is okay, I wish he'd find a role where he didn't have to take his shirt off though.  DeVine was probably the best part of the movie, he's got a bright future ahead of him.  Anna Kendrick is serviceable, I like that she's willing to take some risks with her roles.  I'm a huge Aubry Plaza fan, but it feels like all her parts are starting to feel like the same character.  All in all, I was entertained, it was a nice summer romp.

I will give it 3 out of 5 stars (*****).

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Monday, July 25, 2016


Sunday, July 24, 2016

Apocalypse Tonight

Great recap of the Donald Trump acceptance speech by Trevor Noah on The Daily Show.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Tim Kaine

It was hard to not be impressed with Tim Kaine's after his speech accepting the VP nomination.

He's certainly qualified to be Vice President (or President, if need be):
  • Harvard Graduate
  • Law Degree
  • Mayor of Richmond, Virginia
  • Governor of the State of Virginia
  • U.S. Senator from Virgina
  • Member of Senates Armed Services, Budget, Foreign Relations & Aging committees.  
In addition to above, he comes from a blue collar family, he comes from a swing state, he has served as the DNC Chairman, he's fluent in Spanish, he spent a year in Central America where he ran a vocational school for boys, he spent 17 years as a lawyer working on civil rights cases, he's lauded by labor & abortion rights groups, he took on the gun lobby, he's anti-death penalty, he's got universal respect in the Senate, and a record of achievement.  He just seems to connect with people from all walk's of life.  I really like this pick.

Now some of the far left would have preferred someone more to the left, but I think that would have been a bit shortsighted.   The 2 names I heard most often from the far left were Elizabeth Warren and Sherrod Brown, but wouldn't you really rather have them working in the Senate than holding the mostly symbolic role of VP?   Both of them also come from states with Republican Governors and you'd better believe those Governors would appoint other Republicans to replace them, and in this day and age you just cannot give up a Senate seat if you want to get anything accomplished.

Listening to the speech, his optimistic outlook also presents quite a contrast to the doom and gloom of the Trump/Pence ticket.  Don't discount that, I think people want to be inspired not scared, they want to unite not divide, in the long run that approach tends to win out.   

AZ Tidbits

Friday, July 22, 2016

Jon Stewart on Late Night

I really miss John Stewart.

2016 RNC - Day 4

Day 4, the final day of the Republican National Convention was about introducing Donald Trump as the Republican nominee for President of the United State.

Day 4 Highlights:

If the purpose of this speech/convention was to scare people into voting for Donald Trump, they probably accomplished their agenda.  I'm not quite sure that is what America is looking for though, it was very dark and very short on specifics and really didn't convince me that he is fit to hold the most powerful office in the world.   

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Make America Fear Again

The only thing to fear is fear itself.

2016 RNC - Day 3

Day 3 of the RNC was about Make America First Again.  I'm not entirely sure what that even means, it wasn't really addressed either so it doesn't matter much.  It was also the opportunity for the RNC to showcase Mike Pence to the nation.

Day 3 Highlights:
What an odd convention.  The only thing people will remember about day 3 is Ted Cruz and the apparent disharmony between Donald Trump and Mike Pence.  I don't see much of a post convention bounce for Donald Trump coming out of this convention.  The pressure for him to knock his speech out of the ballpark on Day 4 couldn't be greater at this point.  

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


2016 RNC - Day 2

Well it's now official, Donald Trump is the Republican nominee for President of the United States.

Day 2 Highlights:
Again, much like day 1, I doubt that day 2 changed many minds about Donald Trump.  It was basically just read meat for the anti-Hillary Clinton crowd.  

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


It was good to see the Stephen Colbert of old once again, even if only for one day.

2016 RNC - Day 1

I think that it's safe to say that day one of the RNC was an unmitigated disaster.

Day 1 Highlights:
I highly doubt they converted many fence sitters to jump on the Trump bandwagon.  

Samantha Bee on the RNC

She doesn't pull any punches.

The Case Against Donald Trump

Good read from Erick Ericson of all people:

"As Americans, we believe in ordered liberty – maximum freedom under a civil law that is minimal but clear, respected and well-enforced. We believe in equality of opportunity, and in a government which, without favoritism, lets opportunity thrive in abundance. We believe that religious and civic organizations, supported by strong families, are the bedrocks of a free society. We believe that for leaders of such a society, character really counts. And we believe that a strong national defense – great might backed by right, and always subservient to domestic law – is a necessary bulwark for that free society.
We are quite certain that Donald Trump does not hold those values, nor abide by them. Donald Trump is no lover of liberty. Donald Trump is no respecter of the law. And Donald Trump is certainly no man of character.
We believe that Mr. Trump is morally, experientially, temperamentally, attitudinally and philosophically unfit for the Oval Office. We do not believe he is emotionally stable; we do not believe he is personally decent; he appears to be neither principled nor even particularly competent. And we believe the record shows, and his unreleased tax returns would further demonstrate, that he is not even a big business success – aside, that is, from having proven abilities at product branding, and at being a successful reality-TV showman. Apart from those two skills, Trump has a serial record – to use one of his favorite words – of being a loser. . . .

Monday, July 18, 2016

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Mike Pence

I'd prefer he is nowhere close to the White House.  He is the definition of extreme.

Don't believe me?  Let's take a closer look:

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Seth Meyers on RNC

Seth Meyers nails the upcoming Republican National Convention.

Friday, July 15, 2016


Thursday, July 14, 2016

Bernie Sanders Endorses Hillary Clinton

It was only a matter of time.  Hopefully, the revolution lives on.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Best Power Forwards of All Time

With Tim Duncan's recent retirement it got me to thinking about his rank among the NBA's All Time Great Power Forwards.  I think you can safely put him on top of the list.   Here's my Top 10:

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Kris Dunn

I think he may have a bright future ahead of him.

Monday, July 11, 2016

AZ Tidbits

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Carmelo Anthony

Props to Carmeo Anthony, I'm suddenly very happy he will be on the U.S. Olympic Basketball team.  I love this instagram post.  Yes, athletes are role models, I love when they step up.  Here are his comments in regards to recent happenings:

"First off let me start by saying "All Praise Due To The Most High".  Secondly, I'm all about rallying, protesting, fighting for OUR people.  Look I'll even lead the charge, By Any Means Necessary.  We have to be smart about what we are doing though.  We need to steer our anger in the right direction.  The system is broken.  Point blank period.  It's been this way forever.  Martin Luther King marched. Malcolm X rebelled.  Muhammed Ali literally fought for U.S.  Our anger should be towards the system.  If the system doesn't change we will continue to turn on the TVs and see the same thing.  We have to put the pressure on the people in charge in order to get this thing we call JUSTICE right.  A march doesn't work.  We tried that.  I've tried that.  A couple social media post/tweet doesn't work.  We all tried that.  That didn't work.  Shooting 11 cops and killing 5 WILL NOT work.  While I don't have a solution, we need to come together more than anything at this time.  We need each other.  These politicians have to step up and fight for change.  I'm calling for all my fellow ATHLETES to step up and take charge.  Go to your local officials, leaders, congressman, assemblymen/assemblywomen and demand change.  There's NO more sitting back and being afraid of tackling and addressing political issues anymore.  Those days are long gone.  We have to step up and take charge.  We can't worry about what endorsements we gonna lose or whose gonna look at us crazy.  I need your voices to be heard.  We can demand change.  We just all have to be willing to.  THE TIME IS NOW.  IM all in.  Take Charge.  Take Action.  DEMAND CHANGE.  Peace7.  #StayMe7o

Friday, July 8, 2016

Trump Cabinet

This is the best thing I've seen on The Daily Show in quite some time.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

TPSG 100 Most Influential People

I think it's long past time that I update my list of 100 Most Influential People.  And yes, it is a bit Arizona/Minnesota centric.  Here goes:
  1. Barack Obama - history will reflect positively on his Presidency. 
  2. Pope Francis - only the best Pope ever. 
  3. Bernie Sanders - he's starting a revolution.  
  4. Elizabeth Warren - unabashed fighter for the middle class.  
  5. Elon Musk - the real life Tony Stark  
  6. Bill Gates - the Gates Foundation is doing tremendous work. 
  7. Mark Dayton - perhaps the best Governor in America. 
  8. Jerry Brown- he has proven that liberal policies work
  9. Justin Trudeau - everything America needs in a leader. 
  10. Tyrann Mathieu - a great role model for all.  
  11. Charles Barkley - the best sports analyst on television.  
  12. Kate Brown - her liberal agenda has been quite successful.  
  13. Hillary Clinton - next President of the United States. 
  14. Will Ferrell - the funniest man alive.  
  15. Derrick Hall - a true leader of people.  
  16. Shane Doan - easily my favorite hockey player.  
  17. Bruce Arians - coolest coach in all of sports.  
  18. Karl-Anthony Towns - the future of the NBA? 
  19. Galina Dubenenko - perhaps the most beautiful woman in the world.
  20. Bill Maher - his sharp commentary on politics is never boring. 
  21. Samantha Bee - a welcome addition to late nights. 
  22. Robert Reich - longtime fighter for the middle class. 
  23. Mike Zimmer - everything you look for in a football coach. 
  24. Michael Phelps - now a five time Olympian. 
  25. John Oliver - consistently astute and funny commentary. 
  26. Chris Hayes - his Emmy Award was much deserved.   
  27. Thom Hartmann - top progressive voice on the radio airwaves. 
  28. Tracy Claeys - you cannot not pull for this guy to succeed.  
  29. Rami Malek - he is great in Mr. Robot   
  30. Warren Buffet - a rich man with a conscience.  
  31. Amy Klobuchar - the future of the Democratic party?   
  32. Bill Clinton - his legacy is looking pretty good about now. 
  33. John Kerry - one of America's great politicians. 
  34. Rachel Maddow - a much needed progressive voice on television.  
  35. Al Franken - one of Washington's most progressive voices. 
  36. Jimmy Kimmel - best late night host on television.  
  37. Steph Curry - does more with less than anybody in sports. 
  38. Paul Goldschmidt - American's first baseman, need I say more? 
  39. Helga Lovekaty - perhaps the most beautiful woman in the world.  
  40. Joe Biden - he has been an excellent Vice President.  
  41. Clint Dempsey - still America's best soccer player.  
  42. Larry Fitzgerald - perhaps the best Arizona Cardinal ever. 
  43. Michelle Obama - she's been a tremendous first lady. 
  44. Gennady Golovkin - please give me Golovkin vs Alvarez
  45. Seth Meyers - he is really becoming a late night force.  
  46. Lawrence O'Donnell - a much needed liberal voice on television.  
  47. Canelo Alvarez - please give me Alvarez vs Golovkin
  48. Mark Ruffalo - a great actor and liberal fighter  
  49. Cenk Uygur - a much needed and very outspoken progressive voice
  50. Lewis Black - he never fails to make me laugh.  
  51. Nina Agdal - perhaps the most beautiful woman in the world. 
  52. Sherrod Brown - one of Washington's most progressive voices. 
  53. Tom Perez - one of the most influential Hispanics in the U.S. 
  54. Corey Booker - one of Washington's most progressive voices. 
  55. Nate Silver - his statistical analysis is always spot on.  
  56. John Fugelsang - a welcome addition to the progressive airwaves.  
  57. Tom Thibodeau - tasked with taking the Minnesota Timberwolves to the next level.
  58. Nick Hanauer - people need to pay closer attention to him.  
  59. Gabrielle Giffords - her voice carries a lot of weight. 
  60. Eric Decker - I love the way he plays the game. 
  61. LeBron James - best basketball player in the world.  
  62. Larry David - so happy we are going to get more "Curb Your Enthusiasm"
  63. Sarah Silverman - sharp, witty, progressive, what's not to like? 
  64. Thomas Piketty - his progressive economics could change the worlds. 
  65. Dave Tippett - he gets the most out of his players.  
  66. Keith Olbermann - how I wish he had a platform this election season. 
  67. Paul Krugman - he's got a Pulitzer Prize for a reason.  
  68. Carson Palmer - the Cardinals live and die with his health.  
  69. Zack Greinke - the best Diamondback pitcher since Randy Johnson. 
  70. Patrick Peterson - in my opinion the best cornerback in football. 
  71. King Abdullah II - perhaps the most important leader in the Middle East. 
  72. Joseph Stiglitz - a great fighter against inequality
  73. Novak Djokovic - best tennis player in the world.  
  74. Julian Castro - one of the most influential Hispanics in the U.S. 
  75. Mike Trout - best baseball player on the planet.  
  76. Lionel Messi - he's a magician with a soccer ball.  
  77. Dwayne Johnson - his movies rarely disappoint me.   
  78. Kat Cole - a tremendous female role model.  
  79. Xavier Becerra - one of the most influential Hispanics in the U.S. 
  80. Steve Keim - he has done a great job building the Cardinals into a winner. 
  81. J.J. Watt - pound for pound the best football player in the world. 
  82. Andrew Wiggins - just skimming his potential.  
  83. Miguel Sano - the future of the Minnesota Twins. 
  84. Jordan Spieth- the best golfer in the world.  
  85. Stephanie Miller - one of the top liberal voices in radio
  86. Rick Froning - only the fittest man on earth. 
  87. Vince Gilligan - he just makes great television.  
  88. Stephen Colbert - he's been a nice addition to late night television.
  89. Bobby Hurley - the hope of ASU hoops. 
  90. Trevor Noah - no John Stewart, but who is?   
  91. Michael Moore - I only wish that he'd make more movies.  
  92. Rick Speilman - he's built a nice team in Minnesota.  
  93. Roman Gonzales - pound for pound the best boxer in the world. 
  94. Jon Jones - pound for pound the best MMA fighter in the world.   
  95. Chris Matthews - he doesn't mince his words.  
  96. David Cay Johnston - his take on economic issues are always spot on. 
  97. Larry Wilmore - still highly underrated, give him a watch. 
  98. Aung San Suu Kyi - she never stops fighting for the people of her country.
  99. Bruce Boudreau - tasked with turning around the Minnesota Wild. 
  100. Byron Buxton - watch out when he hits his full potential.